Hail Damage Repair
Whether storm damage has left you with a few missing shingles or a hole in your roof, the faster repairs can get underway, the better. Once your roof has been compromised, even the smallest flaw can quickly worsen or spread. To make sure that your roof gets properly restored to its original condition, you need a team of highly trained contractors you can trust!
Storms can strike at any moment, day or night, leaving your home devastated by wind and hail damage. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait until normal business hours to get repairs underway. Contact QE Roofing anytime you need us for an emergency roof repair.
What is Hail Damage?
Hail or hailstones are chunks of ice produced by the turbulent updrafts of thunderstorms. Hailstones vary in size, shape, and hardness. Thus, hail impact-caused marks on a roof and surroundings have various sizes, shapes, and depths. Hailstone-caused impact marks are generally rounded, but not perfectly circular. The larger the hail, typically the fewer and farther apart the hailstones fall. Since the pattern of hailfall is random, the impact marks on the roof are widely distributed. Hail impact marks of varying sizes, shapes, and depths can appear in metal vents, flashings, air conditioning unit fins, and other exposed surfaces. These are indicators of hailstone size, frequency, and fall direction. Keep in mind that hail usually is wind driven, thus the windward side of the roof would sustain the most direct impacts. This can be important because perpendicular impacts transfer the most impact energy to the shingles.
How to Inspect for Hail Damage
Begin an inspection for hail by examining roof accessories. Metal caps and vents, especially those made of aluminum, will show indications of hail impact readily. However, these dents do not weather away and thus, can accumulate from multiple storms. Just because the aluminum vents are dented does not mean the roof is damaged.
Hail impact will cause spatter marks where the oxides and grime had been cleaned away from any surface it impacts. These marks can help determine the size, frequency, relative hardness, and fall direction of hailstones.
Look around- do you see hail marks on fences, A/C units, vents, metal trim, etc.? These marks can tell you about a hailstorm: when it occurred, from which direction hail fell, and sizes and relative hardness of hailstones. The fins of an A/C unit, for example, can be dented by hail as small as 1/2 inch The width of a dent in A/C unit fins is approximately 80% of the size of the impacting hailstone.

How to Determine Roof Storm Damage?
The impact of roof storm damage or hail damage to shingles depends on the precise weather conditions during the storm. For instance, if the hailstorm is accompanied by rains, the water will make the asphalt roof harder by cooling down the shingles. In this case, the harmful effects of hailstones can be much more severe as the rain-cooled roof is more likely to displace or lose granules.
On the other hand, in absence of rain, hailstones may hit the hot, soft, or dry asphalt. If that happens, the granules will embed deeper into the roofing material. That’s how the conditions during a storm or other weather hazard can affect your roofing damage.
In case of storm roofing damage, dealing with your insurance provider can be hard and confusing. For this reason, at QE Roofing, we assign only the most experienced and trained roofing professionals to deal with your storm roofing damage and insurance claims.
Our process starts with sending a skilled and experienced technician to your home or commercial property to handle roof repairs. You can expect a detailed inspection report along with relevant photographs of damaged areas and the costs involved. Our extensive experience and in-depth roofing knowledge mean that you’ll get fast approvals and maximum coverage with minimal expense and hassle.

Functional Damage: When is a composition shingle damaged by hail?
Functional damage of roofing materials is a reduction in water-shedding capability or expected long term service life. Composition shingles are functionally damaged when they are fractured by hailstones. The damage is immediate and noticeable visually and/or by feeling the top surface of a shingle. A hail-caused fracture is always visible in the bottom surface of a shingle. Granule loss from a hailstone impact which does not fracture the mat will affect the life of the shingle. Granules are imbedded on shingles in the manufacturing process. Without these one the shingle, the UV rays of the sun will deteriorate the remaining layers of the shingle and reduce the life of a shingle roof.
Ultimately call QE Roofing and we will complete a free digital analysis of your property to determine if there is hail damage.